Below you will find a selection of resources that I use on my coaching, training and strategy day programmes. I also explore these tools further in my book empowering employee engagement - how to ignite your team for peak performance.
Check them out to see how they can support you & your teams gain clarity, focus, insight and direction for goal achievement and success.
Use this form to capture where you believe you are in your current team and why, as well as where others are in your team and why.
If there were no barriers as to what you could achieve and money was not an issue, what would you want to be, do & have?
Use this form to jot down your biggest dreams and removing all obstacles that come into your mind by saying so what?
This tool allows you to capture on paper your short, medium or long term goals.
If there were no barriers as to what you could achieve, what would you want to be, do & have?
Use the diagram to understand where you and your team members may be in the drama triangle from the behaviour they display
This tool is great to help you identify gaps from where you are now to where you want to be.
Understand where you & your team are in Maslow's Hieracrhy of Needs and how this impacts employee engagement
Use this form to capture your ultimate career goals using each section to write down things that could help or stop you from achieving that goal.
"Claire skilfully combines a no-nonsense approach with accountability to help maximise progress. She delivers high quality one-to-one coaching and training, using her experience to identify key values and motivators."
Debbie Inglis, International Coach & Trainer, Square Two Development Ltd
"Thanks to Claire’s approach, my team and I now have a greater insight into what makes us tick and how we can get the best out of each other. Well worth the investment and the fact that you have CPD accreditation is a plus."
Geoff Hawker, Finance Director, Office of Nuclear Regulation
"As a tutor, consultant, Mentor and business owner myself, I have found Claire's coaching sessions and book to be full of useful pointers and demonstrations of how to develop an engaged and high performing team."
Lynda Holbrey, Managing Director, A & L Leading Audits & Consultancy Ltd
"The DISC session delivered by Claire has been one of the best profiling courses/sessions I have attended, especially with the accompanying detailed report that was both insightful and thought-provoking."
Manish Modi ESF, Verification Manager
“High levels of disengagement were making me feel isolated and unhappy at work. Claire helped to improve my self-awareness resulting in better communication with my manager. I have regained confidence and motivation, and finally feel more like myself.”
- Richard, Sales & Marketing Leader
"Working with Claire has given me accountability and the tools to move forward. I now better understand myself, what my values are and how they affect me. The sessions have given me clarity and improving my processes produced almost immediate results."
Sarah Edwards-Keeling, International Business Owner
"DISC profiling absolutely captured my personality and behaviours – something I’ll be taking forward and applying not only in work but also with my family and across the many things I’m involved in."
Steve Spendlove, Senior Policy Manager, DWP
"Claire worked with myself and my team of directors on the strategic focus of our business. Her involvement has delivered tangible results: we are more synchronised as a team and have become more adept at working towards a unified goal."
Tina Brown, Director, Summit Creative